My second Infinity Dreams Award!

I am over the moon to be nominated for my second Infinity Dreams Award by my lovely blogging friend Lynne at Lynne’s Recipe Trails. If you haven’t already visited Lynnes blog I highly recommend you do. Her blog has some amazing recipes and her food always looks so good! It makes me hungry just looking at her wonderful food! She is always incredibly welcoming and makes you feel right at home. I am honoured to have met Lynne. Thank you again Lynne!

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Rules for the Infinity Dreams Award:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back.

Post the award badge and rules.

Tell 11 facts about yourself.

Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.

Nominate 11 other bloggers and set questions for them.


11 facts about me!

1 – I am a married mum of two wonderful kids. A daughter aged eight and a son aged five. I love spending time with my kids and I feel truly blessed to have such amazing children.

2 – I love running! I started running when my sister signed me up for Cancer Research UKs Race for Life. Having never run previously (apart from the obligatory half hearted attempts in games lessons at school) I knew I needed to train. I caught the running bug and I now run for sheer pleasure. I love having that time, just me and the outdoors. I am currently training for another race raising money for Cancer Research again, but this time it is a race in mud with a few obstacles thrown in. I cannot wait!

3 – I catch the train to work each day as I cannot drive. I hate not being able to drive but I just don’t seem able to get rid of my nerves about  the driving test. I have given up on lessons for a while now as we just cannot afford them currently but I hope it is something I will return to in the future. My driving instructor said I am a really good driver, I just panic when he mentions the word TEST!

4 – I live in a small village in Wales, UK and I love it! It is quite rural and the beach is less than 50 metres from our home. I know I am incredibly lucky. It is my haven.

5 – I am a nursery nurse and I work mainly with the 2 – 3 year olds. It is my dream job as I get to be as creative and messy as I want and get paid for it! My little group of kids are incredibly crafty and we produce the best art displays ever!

6 – We have a few pets who are family members! We have a Chocolate Labrador, a Leopard Gecko and we will be collecting a gorgeous baby rabbit this evening who needs a home. My daughter is incredibly excited!

7 – I used to love dancing and went to lessons when I was a little girl. I loved tap dancing the most but also did jazz and contemporary. I don’t really dance much any more and I do miss it. The closest thing I get to dancing now is Zumba on the Wii!

8 – I love reading. I am one of those people who will read anywhere (and get really irritated when other people keep trying to talk me whist I am reading)!

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9 – I love going on holiday in a caravan by the seaside. It reminds me of my childhood and I still love it now. We try and take the kids on holiday in a caravan every couple of years and Cornwall is our favourite place to go. Memories!

10 – Me and my hubby got married for under a £1000! We were engaged for years and years and trying to save up a decent amount of cash was proving to be impossible. So we decided to bite the bullet and do a budget wedding. (I know this is not to everyone’s taste but by this point we just wanted to be married. Getting wed was the important thing to us, not all the fuss and glamour)! We had some help from very generous friends and family. Each of our bridesmaids dresses were loaned to us, our gorgeous wedding cake was given to us as a wedding gift from my amazing friend, we did all the food ourselves including little cupcakes, I bought my dress from a second hand store and I did my own hair and make up. I have a friend who is a vicar and she did our wonderful service for us in her church. My brother in law did our photography as he is a keen amateur photographer, and we had our wedding photos taken at one of our favourite places near to where we live – the ruins of an old abbey. Completely free to get in and we knew it should be relatively quiet as we were out of the main tourist season. I was so happy with our photos, they turned out beautifully! We bought a very cheap gazebo and held the reception in my mother in laws garden – this was risky as we needed half decent weather but we took the risk and it was a gorgeous sunny day – phew! Everyone said how lovely and beautiful our wedding was. One of my friends even said she wished she had done the same as us – she had spent an absolute fortune on her wedding and regretted it. I think sometimes people lose sight of what is really important about getting married. I loved our wedding!

My questions from Lynne!

1. If there was one aspect in your life that you could change, what would that be?

I wouldn’t change anything. I try so hard to be thankful for everything that I am blessed with and not to dwell too much on things we haven’t got or would change as it just leads to stress and anxiety. I am blessed in my life and thankful.

2. What is one piece of advice you would give to your children as they grow up?

Don’t listen too much to other peoples opinions. When I was younger I found myself constantly worrying what other people thought of me. As I have got older I have realised that people will always have an opinion and you can’t please everyone. If you aren’t hurting anyone or yourself then it is basically none of their business!

 3. Is there anything adventurous you would like to do in life, if so, what is it?

Ooh this is a hard one! I’m not the most adventurous of people but I would like to go on safari in Africa and go Whale watching in Iceland. Do these count?!

4. Sweet or Savoury?

Savoury – Cheese is my nemesis!

 5. What surroundings do you prefer when writing, reading or studying?

I prefer peace and quiet (and a hot cup of coffee!) but as a busy mum I tend to get noise, noise, noise and a cold cup of coffee!

 6. If money were no object, where would your next holiday destination be and why?

Whale watching in Iceland. I am mesmerised by these beautiful creatures and would love to see them in their natural habitat. Iceland is probably the best place to see them and there are several species there.

 7. Each zodiac sign portrays certain characteristics for people.  What is your star sign and do you feel your star sign captures the real you?

I am a virgo! Virgo traits include reliability, kindness, hard working, loyalty and shyness. Everyone who knows me says I am a Virgo through and through so I do believe my star sign is indeed true to myself. Virgos also have certain likes and dislikes which are spot on for me! I like cleanliness, nature, animals and books, and cannot stand rudeness and being centre stage (walking the aisle on my wedding day filled me with dread)!

 8. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?

Whoops! I have answered this in my facts! 🙂 I have Sammy our Labrador, Charlie our Gecko and the bunny will be called Peanut!

 9. What is one thing that annoys you?

Rudeness! This is my pet hate. It is one thing that is sure to get to me. It costs nothing at all to be polite and to use good manners. Being rude will get you nowhere in life!

10. Fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction. I love escaping in a really good book with a wonderful plot!


My nominees!












I love all of these blogs and really enjoy catching up with them. They are all very unique and lovely so go take a peek and say hi! If you have already been nominated I apologise! No pressure, but if you would like to take part that would be great!

My questions for my nominees – 

1 – What is your dream job?

2 – Which is your favourite meal of the day?

3 – What do you like best about blogging?

4 – Do you have a specific goal for this year?

5 – Have you met anyone famous?

6 – Favourite hobby?

7 – Favourite place to be and why.

8 – Your favourite person / people and why.

9 – Outdoors or indoors?

10 – Your favourite thing about yourself.

Thanks again to the lovely Lynne for nominating me!

I hope you are all having a fantastic Friday!



Versatile Blogger Award!


I am so honoured and thankful to the lovely and wonderful Anna from lifebellissima for nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award! It was a huge surprise (but a very lovely one!) so thank you again Anna! It is very much appreciated!

Anna’s blog lifebellissima is an absolute pleasure to visit and I really look forward to reading her posts. If you haven’t checked out her blog before, please do, you won’t be disappointed!

Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Show the award on your blog
2. Thank the person that has nominated you
3. Share seven different facts about yourself
4. Nominate 15 blogs of your choice
5. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.

Seven facts about myself.

1 – My commute to work takes me along a Welsh Coastal Path. The most stunning scenery and sea air! A lovely commute 🙂

2 – My favourite celebration is Christmas. So much magic in the air for the little ones to enter into, and the story of Christmas is beautiful. I love church nativity’s and Christingle. Pantomime season is brilliant fun too! So much love and excitement everywhere!IMG_4979

3 – I would love to visit Australia. My sister travelled around there for several months and says what an amazing country it is. She has vowed to return and I would love to see it for myself.

4 – My favourite ways to de-stress are by running or by baking.

5 – I used to love clothes and take huge interest in what was considered ‘on trend’. Since having children, something clean that fits is all I aim for! 🙂

6 – I hardly ever wear heels. I find them far too uncomfortable and much prefer pretty flats!

7 – As a child, one of my favourite books was ‘The Borrowers’ by Mary Norton. I read it endless times, and used to search the whole of my childhood home for little people who might be hiding!borrowers

My nominees 
















Taking part is optional and if you have already been nominated, I apologise (your blog is brilliant)!


Infinity Dreams Award!


I am incredibly honoured to be nominated by healthyinallhues for this award! Thank you so much! Please go visit her blog as she has some beautiful food ideas, and her blog is just generally gorgeous! She always inspires me to get a little more creative in the kitchen!

The Infinity Dreams Award Rules – 

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back.
  2. Post the award badge and rules.
  3. Tell 11 facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the question that were set for you to answer.
  5. Nominate 11 other bloggers and set questions for them.

So here we go…..

11 facts about me!

1 – I am a married mum of 2 beautiful children, a boy aged 4 and a girl aged 7. I thank God each day for blessing me with such amazing children! They are my world 🙂

2 – Myself and my husband have just celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. We have been a couple for over 15 years though so it feels much longer! We met when I was 18 so we have grown together 🙂

3 – One of our favourite family pastimes is going for walks. Living in Wales, there are so many opportunities to get out and about in the fresh air! We have a beautiful walk just up the road from us which leads us to a beautiful lake, known as Blue Lake, as the water so often look bright blue. Very relaxing place, where we often take a picnic and enjoy some time together!


Our lovely Sam enjoying the view!

sam lake

4 – My sister in law is one of my very best friends. I love her to pieces and I am so lucky to be part of her family. For my birthday she bought me a lovely plaque which says “Sisters in law by chance, friends by choice.” It sums up our relationship perfectly!

5 – I am an Auntie to 3 nieces and 5 nephews, and love them all to bits!

6 – My baby sister has just started looking at and visiting different university’s to decide where she would like to study. This makes me feel two things – 1 = Old! (how is my baby sister nearly ready to fly off to university)?! and 2 = Incredibly sad. I will miss her so much. I literally get a lump in my throat every time I think about it 😦

7 – I love filling charity bags with old clothes and shoes. It makes me feel I am doing something to help, even if it’s only something little!

8 – I hate bad manners. This is my pet hate! Manners do not cost anything. I try to instil good manners and politeness into my children, as I truly believe it helps you get along better in life!


9 – We used to own hens until we had to move home and couldn’t take them with us. (We gave them to our farmer friend to add to his group of egg laying hens ) 🙂 I used to call them ‘my girls’ and loved them to pieces! My favourite was called Pippa and she used to potter over to me each time I was in the garden to keep me company! There were no tastier eggs!

10 – I used to be terrified of snakes. (I couldn’t even walk into a reptile house at the zoo, and had to turn off the TV if a snake flashed up on the screen)! I am still not particularly happy around them, but I have tried over lots of years to make myself more comfortable around them, as I do not want to pass my fear down to my little ones. I had a proud moment last year when me and the hubby took the kids to a small zoo, where one of the keepers got out their largest snake and was offering zoo visitors a chance to hold it. Hubby jumped at the chance and held it, as did my son and daughter! I however, could not bring myself to hold it, but I did stroke it which for me is a huge achievement! I will have to keep working towards a full on hold!

11 – I have just attended a training event for my job which was all about getting children exercising. I spent two and a half hours dancing, pretending to be various animals and being an astronaut! Best training session ever (even if we all looked slightly mad whilst doing it)!

My questions from lpmendoza – 

1 – What would you do if you had a million dollars? 

Firstly, I would make sure each of my family members had their very own home, not rented, and give them some money to make them more comfortable. Then I would buy that dream farm of mine, including my little farm shop and make my dream a reality!

2 – What is your favourite aspect of blogging?

Definitely reading other bloggers thoughts and comments, and reading other bloggers posts. I love getting inspiration from other blogs 🙂 I really feel like I have made friends in the short time I have been blogging and I love it!

3 – What is your favourite blog post that you have written? 

Ooh this is hard! I really enjoyed writing my Liebster award post as it was my very first award nomination!

My favourite post relating to a creative activity is probably my Rainbow Caterpillar post as it is one of my kiddies favourite creative activities and looks super cute! Find it here –

4 – What is one moment in life that has shaped you?

Giving birth to my daughter nearly eight years ago definitely shaped me into becoming a better person. Having children gives you a perspective of the things which are truly important in life and causes you to become less selfish. Your main priority is your children.

5 – What is your favourite season?

My favourite season is Winter! It is an incredibly beautiful season with snow and ice, and I love wrapping up warm and going for winter walks with the family! I love curling up in the evenings in front of the fire with a mug of hot chocolate! It also includes Christmas and I love the magic that Christmas brings for the kids. The range of crafts we do at Christmas is fantastic!


6 – Do you prefer books or movies? 

I love books! My nickname in primary school was bookworm as my head was always buried away in a book, or in the library! I get carried away reading 🙂 One of my favourite parts of the day is reading a bedtime story to each of my little ones.

7 – Which would you prefer to live in – Country or City?

Country! I have lived in both and I loved the City when I lived there, but as soon as I experienced life in the Country I knew where my heart belonged! The peace and tranquillity is bliss.

8 – If you could have one super power what would it be?

I would love to have the ability to heal and help people.

9 – What is your favourite food?

Cheese and cabbage. Beautiful foods!

10 – How do you spend your free time?

Crafting and creating is how I spend the majority of my free time. I also love reading, walking, running and visiting new places.

My Nominees – 












 I love reading all the above blogs and they give me lots of inspiration. Please visit them and say hello!

My questions for my nominees if you choose to take part are –

1 – Why did you start blogging?

2 – What is your favourite thing about blogging?

3 – Could you share a blogging tip?

4 – What is your favourite film?

5 – Fruit or vegetables?

6 – Walk or drive?

7 – What is your biggest dream?

8 – Where do you go to have some ‘me time’?

9 – What is your biggest achievement to date?

10 – Where do you like to holiday?


My Liebster Award!


I am very excited and honoured to be nominated by the wonderful muminthecotswolds to receive a Liebster award! As I have only been blogging since last month this was a very lovely (and very much appreciated) surprise! Thank you again!

The Liebster Award is an award passed on between bloggers and is a lovely way to recognise and find some fabulous and fantastic blogs!

Here are those very important rules –       

Once nominated you need to write a blog post including – a link to the person who nominated you, 11 interesting facts about yourself, answers to the questions asked by the blogger who nominated you, links to your nominated blogs and 11 questions for your nominated blogs to answer.  You should also notify the blogs you nominate!

So here we go…….

11 facts about me – 

1 – I am a married mum of 2 beautiful children. I have a daughter aged 7 and a son aged 4. I really try hard to cherish every moment as it really does feel like they are growing so fast. (The blink and you will miss it concept)!

2 –  I live in Wales, UK and I am completely in love with my home! We live right by the sea and spend much of our free time at the beach. I was born in and spent my childhood living in the West Midlands, UK. I think it is because of this that I truly appreciate the sea air, amazing views and peace and tranquillity. I couldn’t wish for a better place for my children to grow up in. (Although I do occasionally miss the hustle and bustle of city life, as well as the shops when I yearn for some retail therapy)!                             11259741_831238943598471_6482366365139489650_n3 – I am a qualified nursery assistant and teaching assistant, and have worked with children since I was eighteen in different capacities. I love my current job as a day nursery assistant (where I have worked for the past eleven years)! and nothing can lift your spirits like having a conversation with a two year old about the intricacies of toddler life!

4 – I love music and one of my favourite things to do is to see my favourite bands and singers in concert with my baby youngest sister. She is like my concert buddy!

5 – I have two younger sisters who are my best friends. I know if I ever need them they are, and always will be there in an instant. I know I can trust and rely on them always. I am very thankful for this!

6 – I love car boot sales! Some of my happiest Sundays as a child were spent wandering around huge car boot sales with my mum and dad, searching for bargains! I still love them and enjoy the hunt for hidden treasures!

7 – Our family also includes two hugely loved pets, a Labrador retriever named Sam and a leopard gecko called Charlie! Both bring a lot of joy to our days.

8 – My food weakness is cheese. I prefer cheese to chocolate and would eat it all day long if I could. Oh and cabbage…..(I know it is strange but weirdly enough cabbage is my second favourite food). Beautiful food!

9 – I would love to be able to drive! I started driving lessons a couple of years ago and though I sometimes let my nerves get the better of me I really enjoyed them. Unfortunately I had to give them up as my husband lost his job, so we couldn’t continue to afford them. I am determined to not give up though and hubby has said he will take me out in the car himself and help me!

10 – I love singing. Nothing cheers me up like singing along to the radio. (Not so sure that the neighbours would agree though)!

11 – If I won the lottery I would buy a farm and have a gorgeous farm shop. I would spend the rest of my days stocking the shop with my home-made cheeses and jam. Oh and cabbage, I would plant fields and fields full of that yummy vegetable!

My questions from Stephanie – 

1 – How long have you been blogging?

I have only been blogging for one month so I am a huge newcomer! I am enjoying it so much though and love reading blogs that I follow and discovering new ones. I already feel like I have made new friends through blogging which is brilliant!

2 – Do you have any hobbies?

Unsurprisingly my favourite thing to do is to craft and create! Either alone or with the kids. It keeps me sane! I also enjoy running. It is my alone time and gives me chance to think and clear my head. I never used to be a runner until one of my sisters signed us up for Cancer Research Race for Life. I started training and caught the running bug! I would not be without my running shoes now!

3 – Who’s your celebrity crush?

Just one?! Ok, if I have to whittle it down to just one, it would be Johnny Depp. The man is beautiful!

4 – If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? 

Definitely pink! It is my favourite colour and I love all shades. I love bright and uplifting colours and pink makes me feel happy!

5 – What’s your favourite TV show?

Ooh, this is difficult!  At the end of each day I love nothing more than curling up on the sofa and chilling out. I love watching Great British Bake Off and Gogglebox. (Nice easy TV viewing which makes me giggle)!

6 – When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be lots of different things when I was a little girl, but the main things I wanted to be were a marine biologist, a florist or a nursery nurse. Growing up in a city though I think pushed the marine biologist out of the equation, so I focused far more on the florist or nursery nurse career. (I must admit since moving to the seaside, I am completely enthralled by the shore and the sea still, and long to be actively doing something rather than just sitting watching the ocean)! As I grew up I realised how much I loved kids and  I had lots of babysitting jobs. I went on to study childcare at college and gained my diploma. The rest is history as they say!

7 – Where is your favourite place to eat out?

We don’t tend to eat out too much, but when we do we love to go to our local Chinese restaurant. We all love the food there and it is a lovely yummy treat!

8 – Shoes or bags?

Shoes! Even though I don’t really wear heels that often I have quite a lot of every other available shoe going, much to hubby’s disgust!

9 – Who is a hero in your life?

I have quite a lot of heroes in my life and they are all heroes for different reasons. My grandma is a big hero to me though and holds a huge piece of my heart. She is a very strong, opinionated lady who is incredibly honest and I love that! I love people who tell you the truth and whom you can trust. She has led such a colourful life and has been through a lot, but she still remains a lovely lady! Unfortunately she has been quite ill recently, but seems to be on the mend again! She was a huge part of my childhood and read me endless stories, taught me to read and helped me with my education. She showed me how to bake and I have lots of memories of home – made tarts, pies, crumbles and cakes! She was always incredibly full of love!

10 – What is your favourite season?

This is a tough one! I love each season for the different things it brings, and the different crafts and activities I can do in each one. I think if I had to pick just one, it would be Winter. It is an incredibly beautiful season with snow and ice, and I love wrapping up warm and going for winter walks with the family! I love curling up in the evenings in front of the fire with a mug of hot chocolate! It also includes Christmas and I love the magic that Christmas brings for the kids. The range of crafts we do at Christmas is fantastic! winter-05

11 – Give three words that describe you best.

Honest, caring and creative!

My nominees –








It was super hard picking out just a few blogs to nominate! There are some fantastic blogs around!

I love reading the above nominated blogs and find lots of inspiration when I visit them. I have also tried to nominate blogs which haven’t received recent Liebster Award nominations! I hope my nominated blogs enjoy writing their Liebster post. I have really enjoyed writing mine and it certainly makes you think hard! I think it is a lovely way to discover new blogs!

My questions for my nominated blogs – 

1 – Why did you start blogging?

2 – Where is your favourite place to be?

3 – What is your favourite childhood memory?

4 – What is your greatest achievement?

5 – What is your dream job?

6 – Books or movies?

7 – Country or city?

8 – If you could have one super power what would it be?

9 – What is your favourite food?

10 – How do you spend your free time?

11 – Needle & thread or paint & glue?
