A lovely village festival!

We live in a small coastal village in Wales and I adore it! I completely love the peace, quiet and tranquility. We have the beach on our doorstep, woodland up the road, beautiful mountains and belong to a fantastic community.

Each year our lovely village hold a festival during the school summer holidays. Residents make models, hang bunting and hold games and stalls. My kids love it and this year was no different! We had an amazing time. The kids especially loved all the models that the village residents had very skilfully made!

There was also a vintage car show this year which my son was super excited by. He loved looking at all of the old cars on display! Some of them were indeed very beautiful….

For a very small charge the kids could also take part in some mini games. The girls really enjoyed this and were even happier when they both won a prize! 

We had a super time and really appreciate the time and effort that goes into things like this. It helps keep the community spirit alive and brings different generations together, which I believe is so important these days. 

We finished off with a picnic dinner in our garden and I just may have had a cheeky glass of wine to celebrate such a lovely day! 

Life is a gift…..(a quick update)

Firstly apologies for not being around for a while. Keeping the kids entertained and happy during the school holidays seemed to take up the majority of my time, and on top of the usual everyday things there never seemed enough time in the day to do anything else! I hope you all had a lovely school holidays? We really enjoyed ourselves but I must admit it is quite nice to get back into our normal, everyday routine again! I will be catching up on blog posts over the next few days – I have so much to write about!

Unfortunately, we also had a few family dramas including my beautiful, amazing Gran having another severe heart attack and ending up in intensive care. It was touch and go for a while but fortunately my Gran is one of the strongest women I know and she pulled through like a true fighter. Experiences like this put all the trivial, mundane worries into such perspective that you cant help but look at your life and question if you are living it to the maximum. Life is a precious gift which we should all completely treasure……
